Billboard #1 – Digital

Digital billboards are the most time-sensitive and flexible form of outdoor advertising. With bright, high-definition displays, they offer unparalleled visibility 24 hours a day. Because there are no production or printing costs involved, messages are able to be updated almost instantly, with the possibility of multiple creative executions that provide for an up to date engagement with consumers.

ADVERTISING STRENGTHS: Lower panel on major inbound artery to Somerset from Rt 219, Johnstown, Friedens and Stoystown

WEEKLY IMPRESSIONS:  49,427* per slot
*Impression values based on Traffic Source – Kalibrate

MEDIA TYPE/STYLE:  Digital – Digital Spec Sheet

LAT/LONG:  40.023925, -79.055460

MARKET:  SOMERSET, PA. and surrounding areas

PANEL SIZE:  7′ 0″ High x 16′ 0″ Wide   Photos

FACING/READ:  East / Right / Bottom

SLOTS/FLIP: up to 8/min 8 seconds



Located at: 811 Stoystown Road, Somerset, PA 15501